TwinFlash® RL Clinical Camera

Canfield's new TwinFlash RL delivers the most critical elements of high quality clinical photography in a single, easy to use system. Built in ranging lights assure precise, repeatable positioning for every subject and time point. Exact camera-to-subject distance is assured when the dual light beams intersect to a single point. Ranging lights turn on automatically with a tap of the shutter and release and extinguish when it is fully depressed for image capture.
The integral two element ring flash provides uniform lighting for the most extreme close-ups and has enough power for full body photography. With autofocusing macro lens, 18 Megapixel camera body and E-TTL metering, the TwinFlash RL is the perfect solution for clinical quality photography in almost any application. And with Mirror medical imaging software, photographers will particularly appreciate the tethered capture directly into the patient chart.
The TwinFlash RL is a compact, integrated solution for clinical photography that includes a high quality Canon SLR. A variety of preset ranging light distances are available. Optional accessories include a Canfield close up scale and cross polarized filter kit.